Tuesday, October 9, 2007

sigh of relief

We drilled our well yesterday...and it was a great success. The hole went 117ft with a static water level of 63 ft with a 70 gallon per minute yield. That is right, I said 70 gallons. not only is that enough water to open a water park, the water is so clean. When the well was blasted out, or developed under pressure the gravel discharge had no silt, sand or anything on it...meaning crystal clean.

Here is mike putting a cap on the casing and banding our $250 tag from the state board of ecology.



Andy, the dogs and I hung out all day to watch the entire process. It was so cool to see everything and learn how all this stuff works. Now, we are going to design a gravity feed system to supply the water to the desired areas. I want this sucker to work when the power goes out!

Friday, October 5, 2007

creeping along

Well, this is where we are at. We have a set of plans that are ready to be submitted for a building permit...thats right, we still dont have a building permit. We are going to build a 36 x 36 garage with a 900 sq. ft apartment up stairs, which if all goes well will become the offices of TIMBER WORKS LLC. We are not going to build our Timber Framed home until our house in California sells, if it ever does.

Thats pretty official eh? The septic design has been submitted by the above company for approval by the county. You have to do this for your well and septic before you can submit for a building permit. That is if you are going to have water and a toilet....

That is one of three perk test holes we dug for the septic design folks to design our drain field. This cost $800.00 and we dug the holes. The county fee was $550. In this county you are aloud to install an approved septic system once every two years without a license...so I will be trying my hand at septic installation as well.

This is our beloved well site. We are using Arcadia Drilling because of their great reputation out here. Now, there has not been a drill in the ground yet, but I like these guys and feel good about it. I did all the site prep for the drilling rig and the secondary truck that will be on the site. This is supposed to occur next week. That is going to be the first BIG check we will have to write. Its do or die for us now, because after this check is cashed we will have nothing. A bit nerve wracking but I guess this is life. It would be much nicer if our home would sell.
In good news, We finished the garage remodel in Lake taps...it took a little longer than expected but its done. Rod and I are now about to take on our first official job as TIMBER WORKS LLC. Rod was approached about doing a pole barn for the Nature Conservancy real close to us down in littlerock, wa. This will be the big test, we will be milling the lumber, grading the land, pouring the concrete and raising the barn. The whole shooting match. Hollie started a new job today with the Washington State Department of Health. I dont know what her job is or how long it will last, but from the sounds of things the first day went well.
So thats is that and a ball of wax.